INSPECTION and certification of your weighing devices
Balances Universelles Inc. is an Authorized Service Provider (ASP) with the authority to inspect, calibrate and/or certify devices as per the Weights and Measures Act. Balances Universelles Inc. is certified according to Measurement Canada’s SA-01 standard and is committed to meeting the highest standards in the industry.
Our technicians have all been certified to perform legal trade inspections on most weighing devices on the market under the Weights and Measures Act.
See the following documents from Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada.

Our certified scale inspections
Balances Universelles Inc. offers certification services that comply with Measurement Canada requirements and are adapted to meet your needs.
Balances Universelles Inc. is certified to perform repairs and refurbishments of weighing instruments, initial and subsequent factory and field inspections for weighing devices, measurements used for trade purposes and conditional approval issued following examination and testing.
We meet the highest quality standards in the industry.

**Please note that as of August 1, 2014, measuring device owners are required to have their scales, gas pumps and other weighing and measuring equipment inspected by a Measurement Canada authorized service provider (ASP) within a prescribed mandatory inspection frequency in eight sectors: dairy, downstream petroleum, fishing, forestry, grain and field crops, mining, retail food, and retail petroleum.